
i'ts been real

Greetings loved ones, let's take a journey...

...over to my new blog!

As you may have noticed, I don't post on here very much anymore, and I regret that because I do have a lot to say and the internet provides a lovely outlet for all of my opinions and thoughts and such. And apparently, there are a handful of people who actually like reading my rants and ramblings.

So firstly, thanks to anybody who actually reads this.

Secondly, I'm sorry I'm abandoning this blog. Blogspot is actually such a hassle you wouldn't even believe.

Thirdly, my new blog is the plaid nerd. It is a tumblr, but not actually because I'm not just posting pictures and all that usual tumblr nonsense. Tumblr is very easy to use, and that's why I chose it for my blogging needs.

And that's all I have to say about that.

I'm not deleting this blog purely for nostalgic purposes; it's a snapshot of who I was and what I went through my freshman year of high school. After I post this, I'll probably parouse down memory lane and sift through my old posts. I never did finish that blog challenge. I'll start one on my new blog to make up for it, promise.

