
happy (late) thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving in my town is a pretty big deal. Most all of the hype centers around the annual football game against our bitter rivals, the Raiders. We’re told it’s one of the oldest football rivalries in the country, a fact the game announcers and teachers are never hesitant to repeat.

Our pep rally on Wednesday was a thing of beauty—over a thousand kids decked out in blue and gold, clapping and singing and screaming. Admittedly, most of the aforementioned verbs were being demonstrated by seniors—us freshmen had to sit on the floor and we got maybe half the jokes the MCs told. We were generally intimidated and thoroughly awed by such rambunctious display of school spirit. Apparently, this gush of unity propelled our team to victory, because we won 20-17 in an overtime nail biter the next day. It was gratifying to see so many heartbroken Raiders in the parking lot, especially after witnessing a tense chant contest between some hardcore Rocket and Raider fans during the overtime period.

Thanksgiving, is of course, a holiday of food, football and gratitude, so here is my thoughtful little list of all the things in my life I’m grateful for slash couldn’t live without (I enjoy writing out the word ‘slash’.).

-My friends I’m sorry for the cliché, but my apologies don’t make it any less true. I am blessed with truly extraordinary friends, none of whom I could live without. They know my weaknesses, know my strengths, make me laugh, pick me up and keep me going. My friends are also amazing therapists and have saved my sanity more than once. You guys are my air and my everything and I love you all to death.

-My family Another cliché, but what sort of person wouldn’t give thanks to their family? At the very least, they are responsible for your existence. My parents are, of course, frustrating, but they’re selfless and hard-working and loving. My siblings are loud, annoying and immature—but then again, they are funny, endearing and supportive. I’m also fortunate enough to have a wealth of cousins, aunts and uncles who are never stingy with their praise or hugs. I may not always show it, but I love my family.

-Music I’m one of those kids who spend their free time crawling through various youtube links and falling in love with underground bands. Music gets me through my day. It is universal. It is expressive. It is soothing. It is exciting. It is loud. It is beautiful.

-My bed. This may sound creepy, but I love my bed—it is fluffy and purple and queen-sized. I read, write, think and dream there. Needless to say, I’ve gained great naps on that oversize pillow as well. I realize that not every kid in the world has a bed—no, you’re not allowed to get on my case for sounding like one of those Sponsor-an-African-Child infomercials—so I’m lucky that I have such a wonderful and dependable place to sleep every night.

-Dance. I take Irish dance lessons—shut up, I have a whole rant you’ll most likely hear later—and I couldn’t be more thrilled or dedicated to it. I’ve become completely obsessed with the subculture Irish dance has. I love the friends I’ve made, I’m proud of the awards I’ve won and the competitions I’ve attended and the great leg muscles I’ve acquired during my five years dancing. I’m lucky to be so passionate about my pastime, and grateful for all the support I get.

And thus my corny Thanksgiving themed post ends J

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