
we are ze monkeys

I dare you to watch the whole thing. Accept the challenge. It's the weirdest video you'll ever see.

Did you watch it?


I'm done now.


just a couple reasons why summer is awesome

It hasn't even been a whole week yet and I'm already loving summer.
  1. I wake up and don't know what day it is.
  2. I take walks in the rain and splash in the puddles.
  3. I have already established my late night TV schedule (Family Guy at 11, Whose Line at 12)
  4. Shorts. All day erryday.
  5. Pool parties and artsy pictures. More on that later.
  6. Food. Ice cream, chicken fingers, steak, rice, fish, burgers. YUMYUMYUM
  7. No work. None at alllll. That might be yummier than food. Maybe. 
  8. I'm chilling with my friends so much, I'm going to turn into a popsicle.
  9. The ice cream truck is back.
  10. Muziks.
  11. Building forts in basements. Best idea ever.
I'm going to try and catch up on blogging, sorry for lack of posts. I'm lazy. You love it.


updates on the bruins, summer and being artsy

Hello to the interwebs! Nope, I haven't fallen off of a cliff or been captured by Somalian pirates or anything, I've just been held captive by finals for the past few weeks.

BUT NOW I AM DONE. And as I so poetically said on Facebook, freshman year can kiss my ass (I got 18 likes and felt so cool).

Summer '11 is here, and the Bruins just made it a little sweeter by winning this teensy little thing called THE STANLEY CUP. My little brother did a flip on the couch, which was crazy impressive because I didn't know he was so flexible. He also hit his foot on the coffee table and started limping, so I picked him up and spun him around and we made fools of ourselves, but it was worth it.

I love being a Boston fan--we're so sports crazy! There is nothing quite like being in Boston after a championship. I'm currently watching the crowds on the streets. My dadda is one of those lovely policemen in the neon, keeping everybody under control so they don't flip over any cars.

Also, I admit to having a bit of a crush on Tyler Seguin. It's not a big deal or anything.

Topic switch:

So I DVR'd (500) Days of Summer last week and I've watched it an embarrassing number of times since then. It's so bittersweet, and it was a really classy soundtrack (think Regina Spektor and songs with French lyrics). This scene is pretty much my new favorite thing ever....

Please go watch it from the beginning and marvel at it's simplistic beauty. It'll break your heart and make you laugh at the same time. It's a really artsy film.

Also check out this super artsy picture of me taken in photo class last week:

You know what I love? Lounging around on the town green having conversations about boys and life. Love my friends, love summer, love life :)

I hope everybody does something crazy this summer. I know I will.