
wake me up when september ends.

So, my dears, it's the last day of August.

In a couple of hours, September will roll around and we will moan and groan as we pack away the sandals and the sun screen. We will watch our tans fade and start to wear jeans, missing the sunshine and the sandy toes and sleeping in. School will start, and so will all the stress. We'll all become walking zombies, tripping down the halls and staggering up the stairs.

And despite all this, fall is my favorite season.

I love it when the air smells like fresh apples and the leaves burn bright orange before they die. I love sweatshirts and my birthday and Halloween and scary movies; I love Friday night football games and Thanksgiving. I even love the first few days of school, when all the notebooks are still fresh and all my pens still work and I get to reconnect with everyone I haven't seen over the summer. Admittedly, the newness of school wears off pretty fast, considering this is my tenth year in the public education system.

Summer is beautiful and wild, but don't forget autumn is gorgeous and graceful.

in the middle of september, we still play out in the rain...nothing to lose but everything to gain.




Sorry for the month-long absense...one, summer makes me lazy, two, my laptop has been on the fritz and my home computer was a 1997 dinosaur. BUT WE GOT A NEW ONE AND IT'S ALL FAST AND SHINY. so here I am, back again, just in time for Hurricane Irene.

Basically, I've been lying around the house, watching That 70's Show and SVU and eating Snack Packs. Gobbled down a couple books (The Help, The Glass Castle, The Bean Trees, Water for Elephants and autobiography of of J.K. Rowling), gotten in a few fights, watched more than a few movies, debated whether or not to conform and get a Twitter and a Tumblr (still up in the air).

Oh, and I drove four hours for a family weekend. All I did was fall down a mountain and watch a Quentin Tarentino film. It wasn't the best weekend I've ever had.

I'll be posting about real things sometime soon, just letting y'all know I haven't died.