
so my blogging career begins...

I’ll just go ahead and pose the question you’re asking—why was I self-centered enough to start a blog about my painfully average life?

The answer’s really very simple—I talk far too much and I like to write. The former is nothing new—I am, after all, a teenage girl. I would like to say that I do not conform to the hour-long-phone-conversations-about-absolutely-nothing slash texting-almost-every-waking-second stereotype, but then I would by lying. My brother says I get honesty points for admitting the fact I depend on my cell phone. However, my brother also claims potatoes are religious objects, so his opinions are not especially valuable to me.

The latter is actually an understatement. I do not simply like to write—I adore it. In the third grade, I wrote my first novella about four girls who found a secret passage to an underground town and embarked on a quest to defeat an evil lord with the aid of their flying horses. I like to think I’ve improved since then, but who knows? I’ve written short stories, novels, personal narratives, vignettes, but I’ve never been able to keep a diary for more than a month or two. When I go back and read them, my diaries contain multiple misspellings and a lot of uninteresting complaints. On the other hand, I don’t want to write about made-up characters all the time, because they aren’t real and I could use some serious doses of reality. That’s where the blogging comes in (I hope I’m making sense…)

So, ladies and gentlemen, I present you with this laughable little blog of a mediocre teenager’s twisted thoughts. Enjoy!

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