On another note, I'm going to start posting some of my top ten lists every Tuesday. I got the idea from Much Love Mondays, only I am so not a Monday person and I feel that Tuesdays are often neglected because of their total mediocrity. And I have a lot of top ten lists, such as this one (I am a list-making fiend).
- A junior couple walking down the hall during homeroom last week. The girl did that fluttery hand thing, accidentally-on-purpose hitting his arm with hers until he took her hand and smiled. It was extremely ordinary and adorable and I must have looked like a bonafide freak, grinning to myself while strolling into the bathroom.
- Pretty much any story on LGMH
- That bottle necklace on Etsy with the lyrics from a Coldplay song. Sigh.
- How my best guy friend acts around his senior sister. They hold hands and hug in public and tell each other secrets at 2 AM. He shares social stories with her and she takes his clothes. It's too freaking cute.
- I trolloped (is that even a word?) over to Medway last snow day to visit cousins and aunts and such and we passed two snow people dressed as bride and groom, holding hands outside of a teeny little Cape style house. A little Volvo was parked in the driveway, the soup cans tied to the bumper just barely visible in the snow.
- The way my best guy friend looks at my best friend. I'm going to compare it to this picture. I swear I didn't chose a Harry Potter picture on purpose. It just happened to fit nicely..

[source: here]
- a sunflower farm in Connecticut. I played hide-and-seek with my cousins in the rows. We got lost. The flowers were killer cute. You wanted to bury your face in them.
- The seven-year-old in my dance class who literally escaped from Munchkinland and covers it up by pretending to hail from Natick. She doesn't have any front teeth but makes up for it by having seventeen million freckles on her face.
- The guys' swim team. This sounds awkward, I know, but every single one of those boys thinks they're very macho and very cool. Plus, they do that cute little "whoooosh" thing whenever their teammates dive in...I know it's strange that I find this endearing. But I do.
- A picture of my brother and me circa mid-nineties. We're sitting on Santa's lap. Santa looks a little out of it. I look a little skeptical. My brother looks like he enjoys munching on his own fingers. Oh look I found it. Sorry for the terrible quality, it was taken with a webcam.
weren't we pretty? ...what happened?
Cross your fingers for me--we're hoping for another snow day tomorrow and I need the sleep something fierce.
PS format suggestions are welcomed. Thank you! :)
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