
top ten things i think about before i fall asleep

...that is, if I actually do fall asleep because I'm prone to insomnia.

  • what i would say if I were on Lopez Tonight or Conan.
  • the probability of my parents discovering i snuck out to grab a Slurpee at 7/11.
  • the people on that eleven-thirty train.
  • what plane rides are like.
  • if we all see different colors and just don't know it.
  • if i was a boy in a past life.
  • how strange it will be when i'm old.
  • conducting a social experiment and seeing if everybody really is six degrees or less separated from any given person they encounter on the street.
  • who the famous people in my school will be, and if they'll remember me in twenty years.
  • what i'd do if a natural disaster struck my sleepy little state.
Happy Tuesday, kidlings. Hang in there.

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