


Sorry for the month-long absense...one, summer makes me lazy, two, my laptop has been on the fritz and my home computer was a 1997 dinosaur. BUT WE GOT A NEW ONE AND IT'S ALL FAST AND SHINY. so here I am, back again, just in time for Hurricane Irene.

Basically, I've been lying around the house, watching That 70's Show and SVU and eating Snack Packs. Gobbled down a couple books (The Help, The Glass Castle, The Bean Trees, Water for Elephants and autobiography of of J.K. Rowling), gotten in a few fights, watched more than a few movies, debated whether or not to conform and get a Twitter and a Tumblr (still up in the air).

Oh, and I drove four hours for a family weekend. All I did was fall down a mountain and watch a Quentin Tarentino film. It wasn't the best weekend I've ever had.

I'll be posting about real things sometime soon, just letting y'all know I haven't died.

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