
shit, i have a blog.


How y'all doing, interwebs?

I would apologize for not blogging, but I don't feel particularly guilty. There are more important stressful things going on in my life right now, such as essays and tests and oral presentations and trying not to let my anxiety get the best of me. It's been a losing battle so far with the panic attacks so far, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying.

In other news...

  • I got a kitten. His name is Figaro, after the cat in Pinocchio and he is adorable. I've officially begun my life as a cat lady. Wish me luck!
  • I turned sixteen. LEARNER'S PERMIT WOOT WOOT.
  • I was a cowgirl for Halloween.
  • Struggling fiercely with insomnia.
  • Physics sucks.
  • I'm doing NaNoWriMo! 11,000 words and counting. 
  • Irish Dance regionals are next weekend, and I'm beyond excited.
  • I went to SpookyWorld: Fear at Fenway on Sunday night. It was both the funnest and scariest experience of my life thus far.
  • I read Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chobsky. It has changed my life, like Ari said it would. 
  • I met a lovely Floridan who helps me deal with my life daily. She's never seen snow.
So, yup, that's what you missed on Tess.

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