
it doesn't work like that

Apparently, the government finally reached a decision on the budget so it won't be shutting down.

Frankly, it pisses me off that the possibility of the government shutting down was even a potential.

I know that the government is probably much more intricate and a thousand times more complicated than what I'm taught in social studies class. It isn't easy managaing a country like ours, because in addition to all the threats we face on a national level, our own citizens are busy creating problems as well.

But honestly? The entire government shutting down because Democrats and Republicans can't agree?

Most of the adults I know are big on preaching about compromises and getting along despite differences (hence, all of the overdone bullying laws). It doesn't matter if someone's young, old, boy, girl, black, white, rich, poor, gay, straight...but apparently it matters if someone is Democratic or Republican.

 I don't really get the whole party loyalty thing. I think that it gets in the way of people being listened to, of ideas being listened to, because there's too much emphasis on whether or not they're blue or red.

But really, Washington. We're not in preschool. You can't throw hissy fits because somebody from Texas doesn't agree with you about pro-choice or because somebody from Massachusetts wants tighter gun restrictions. You can't just shut down because you're too busy being stubborn. You have to be adults. You have to give a little to get a little. You have to step up because you're the ones running the country and the country needs you.

 I'm not saying the government has to be perfect. I know it's easy to sit here in my living room and critisize all of the people working in DC because I do not have their jobs or migranes. Their jobs are not easy, not by any means, and I'm not trying to belittle the work they do.

I'm just frustrated because of the hypocrasy. You can't pass laws telling me I have to treat all my peers the same and then turn around and refuse to maturely listen and compromise with someone that has a different political view.

It doesn't work like that. I don't know a whole lot about how a government should operate, but it shouldn't operate like that.

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