
top ten things i only do around my friends

I'm okay with being a total freak around my friends. I am a total freak with my friends, but they can't judge me for it because they're just as abnormal as I am.
  • go makeup free. because I trust them to not call me fugly, even when I'm not at my best.
  • eat to the point other people would probably consider disgusting.
  • dance around my kitchen like i'm having a seizure.
  • scream britney spears at the top of my lungs. it's nbd.
  • make up words and phrases that rarely make sense.
  • be judgemental. I work really hard at not judging other people, because everybody goes through personal battles. That said, I'm sorry, I feel the need to point out mismatching socks, awkward facial expressions and funny ringtones when I'm kicking it with my friends. PEOPLE WATCHING IS FUN.
  • make extremely strange facial expressions. Ido this in school too, but it's worse when I'm in the privacy of my own house. I like pretending I'm a fish or a dinosaur, depending on the day.
  • cry.
  • spontaneously burst into irish dance jumps.
  • start singing whatever i want to say.
  • make animals noises. meow. chirp. woof. growl.

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