
it won't last forever

Oh right, I have a blog.

I have oodles to talk about an entire Sunday to do it, so expect rapid fire blog posts.

Numero Uno: My Thursday sucked.

I am prone to bad days this year; I am a total stressbag and the first to admit it. One of my friends constantly tells me I care too much and I probably do, but that's a malfunction that has been hardwired into me.

So on Thursday, I was busy worrying and caring about ten trillion different things (mostly my friends. It's always my friends. I think I love them almost too much sometimes) and I was sick the previous day and had a panic attack circa one AM that morning and other social issues were bugging me and all of this amounted to a gigantic internal freakout in the middle of bio, which I managed to mask like a champ. I had it almost mastered through Spanish, but then we watched a suicide prevention/recognizing depression video in gym. Let's just say that didn't go over very well with my panic trigger.

Thursday was by far my worst day in a while, but I've recently started to embrace the fact that I'm just somehow prone to these. I know it won't last forever.

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost.

Love this song.

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