
adorable on etsy

A few days ago I was terribly bored, so I sauntered on over to Etsy to browse through various crafty and cutesy jewelery. Here are my findings...

Zombie Pin

Okay, so not technically called a zombie pin. Whatever. It's still pretty in a slightly morbid way and I'd love to pin this to a scarf or a vest (if I actually start wearing vests...)

Dorothy Locket

So cute :) I only own one locket and the hinge on it is broken, so I have to Scotch-tape it shut, thus defeating the purpose. Plus, I have this affinity with classic movies, and if Wizard of Oz doesn't count as a classic, I don't know what does...

Winnie-the-Pooh necklace
Ain't it pretty? I was literally raised on Winnie-the-Pooh cartoons and Instant Breakfast drink. This necklace takes me back to my preschool pretend days.

I died when I saw this. My absolute favorite. "Yellow" by Coldplay is one of the best songs on my iPod and this bottle necklace is actually in my top ten list of Cutest Things I've Ever Seen (don't worry--that list will, in all likelihood, be posted soon, much to the chagrin of my friends)...I would buy it, but I'd feel a tad awkward buying a love song necklace for myself...it doesn't seem like the type of treat you buy yourself, but maybe I'm overthinking it.

Damn, I wish I were crafty. It'd be awesome to just create something as delicate and adorable as these...


  1. OMG agree. Love the locket and the bottle ones. I am determined to try my hand at creativity someday.

  2. ALSO i didn't want to hunt through your old posts to comment on the right one but i just listened to 'dog days are over' and i'm obsessed.
