
cliche, corny and true (day 8)

How you hope your future will be like.

This one bothers me because a) I'm fairly certain it's improper grammar...shouldn't it be what you hope your future will be like? (apologies, the inner English geek cannot be tamed) and b) I've already answered this question on Day 2.

But alright, I'll go on and answer it anyways, just to appease the neat freak in me (I would have an OCD attack if I skipped a day, even though I resent this question...).

  • I hope to have a cute car with random bumper stickers--not peace signs or political slogans, but some random, witty phrase that'll make the driver behind me smile.
  • I hope to be rebellious enough to dye a streak of my hair blue at some point in my life.
  • I hope to be that girl with the extensive and eclectic music taste and really cool keychains and band tees.
  • I hope to be an English teacher, because I've come to terms with the fact that my internal editor isn't going away, and I might as well get paid to read books and correct grammar.
  • I hope to live near the ocean at some point in my life.
  • I hope to have three children (two boys, one girl).
  • I hope to be very close to my friends as an adult...be in their weddings, be the godmother, the whole shebang.
  • I hope that I die before the whole world turns totally digital--I do not want to live without paper books, without newspapers and handwritten letters (ironic, I know, seeing how this is a blog).
  • I hope to get my hands on a decent camera sometime soon so I can start messing around with photography (starting Photo I next week...everyone says it's awesome, so I'm excited).
  • I hope to work at a bookstore at some point, if only for the employee discount.
  • I hope that I'll start liking coffee sometime before junior year (I feel terribly unsophisticated drinking hot chocolate...and all those coffee kids seem way more awake than I ever am...)
  • I hope to paint my room a pretty color (right now it's beige. Yeah. Not working).
  • basically, I just want my future to be happy.
Cliche? Corny? Oh yeah. True? Every word.

1 comment:

  1. 1. ME TOO about the blue hair.
    2. What period do you have photo I? Who's your teacher?
    3. Coffee is terrible. But life saving. Hm.
