Discuss your first love and first kiss.
I'm really starting to hate my 30-day challenge, and I'm only day 10. Bad sign.
Ahem. Bear with me.
My first kiss was on a Tuesday last May in my cluttered basement. I was wearing a gray and purple shirt from one of my dance competitions and he was wearing a UMass flatbrim (weird, the things you remember, huh?) and I distinctly remember my hands shaking.
My first love happened this summer, with aforementioned UMass flatbrim boy. I've already discussed this--we stayed up until four am talking on the phone, he bought me lunch, he found my ring when I lost it at the beach and went ballistic, he texted me every singe day for six months, he called me beautiful and told me secrets and held my hand and yeah, I loved him.
And then there was the whole shenanigans (digression: lovelovelove the word shenanigans) of starting high school and having no classes together and the girl who lives half an hour away, resulting in the end of our relationship and a three-month long silent treatment from both parties.
However, I'm proud to say we're getting better at being friendly and social and such. Last night my friends and I had a little jam sesh by a backyard bonfire and then played Taboo ('nother digression: Taboo is the BEST game. Ever.) and he and I were both perfectly fine being around each other--we talked about music and the board game and I even hugged him when I left. As a person, I still care about him.
So, that's my first love. I'm doing my best not to harp on the whole ordeal...it's over, it happened, it's done, and like I've said, I do not regret loving him--it was worth it.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes the story of my first love. I know it's not every exciting or fairytale-esque, but it was real and it was mine.
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