"Lucky. I don't even freakin' have a parade today. I have a rainy, abandoned street."
Recently, I have been having a lot of bad days, and I feel it safe to say some of my friends have been experiencing the same--part of me thinks it has to do with seasonal depression, because it's winter, cold and bleak and no fun now that the holidays are over. Part of me
As much as I would like to deny that, it's probably true.
I have a bad mood standard operating procedure--it involves eating chicken nuggets, sleeping, surfing the internet for far too long, complaining about my life to my two ICE contact friends, retail therapy, and listening to a bad day playlist that really needs to be updated (suggestions welcome). Here's the go-to song at the top of the list....
I am only a little obsessed with this musical (no worries, I'm 110% aware I'm a nerd). It cheers me up without fail, because no matter how awful my day has been, Annie always reminds me that tomorrow has the potential to be better.
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