

Last night I wandered around Legacy Place with my best guy friend. We were both in bad moods and wanted to get lost for a few hours, so I suggested we go Valentine shopping for his girlfriend/my best friend.

It was freezing cold and we weren't smart enough to wear jackets. We made three or four laps around the entire square, had an impromptu dance party in a candy store and ran into our old Spanish teacher at Whole Foods. I also dragged him into Borders (he hated it and wanted to leave after maybe three minutes) and Victoria's Secret (just to see him squirm. It was so worth the weird looks from the saleslady).

While browsing 344 in hopes of finding some decent Valentine jewelry, we came across a table of KnockKnock pads and wasted ten minutes of our lives reading through them and laughing.

I bought myself this one...

...and promptly ripped it open and used the first sheet an hour after returning home, due to severe Valentine's Day depression.

The totally crazy thing about it? It actually made me feel better. I was so not expecting that.

Self-therapy for the win.

After the week I had, this cute little notebook was exactly what I needed.

Here's to better days and better moods. MWAH.

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