
top ten reasons i'm looking forward to spring

...because I'm really starting to get sick of the weather.
  1. I will not constantly be drenching my Uggs in ice/rain/sleet/snow or whatever form of precipitation happens to grace us that day.
  2. I will be able to walk places again, because the sidewalks will be usable.
  3. I will not have to shovel. God, how I hate shoveling.
  4. I will not have to practically crawl down to my driveway because of all the ice.
  5. Flip flops.
  6. All the plants and flowers and trees are going to be crazy green this year, thanks to all the water they'll receive.
  7. I'll be able to make midnight visits to my thinking spot, ie my back porch roof. Right now it's covered in three feet of snow and ice.
  8. Buying my vanilla bean caramel Coolatta at Dunkin Donuts instead of the hot chocolate (don't get me wrong, the hot cocoa is great, but I'm starting to lust after Coolattas)
  9. Thunderstorms. I L O V E thunderstorms.
  10. Painting my room over April break! Right now it's beige, but I'm planning on a pretty little purple.
Happy Tuesday, kiddos. MWAH.

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