
top ten things my friends do when they're bored

  • go on facebook lurking sprees. admit it, you do it too.
  • stumble. so. addicting. look forward to a post featuring some of the treasures I've found.
  • refuse to change out of their pajamas for two straight days. I'm looking at you, J.
  • sing along to songs or start reciting a memorized movie. "Where is the Love" by the Black Eyed Peas, Youtube raps and "The Parent Trap" are popular favorites.
  • sing twenty-minute stories about nature and ice cream cones over the phone. I hung up because I couldn't take it anymore.
  • watch iCarly slash Drake and Josh. I miss Drake and Josh.
  • watch youtube videos about cats. don't understand the attraction there.
  • plan out elaborate weddings, names of future children and decide where they're going to live as adults. there's something strangely tempting about the future.
  • talk about Pokemon. fifteen years old and talking about Squirtle? Nah, we're not losers.
  • when all else fails, EAT.

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