
little miss sunshine

The three most important things in a teenager's life are...
  • food.
  • sleep.
  • friends.
...But I'd gladly give up food and sleep for my friends. They are the people that understand me when I'm not making sense, the ones who forgive my faults and point out my talents. They make doing absolutely nothing fun and they don't care if I don't wear makeup and invite myself over too often.

I haven't exactly been Little Miss Sunshine lately, and I'm all too aware of it. Without my friends, without our stupid Rockband fests and homework parties and Britney Spears jam out sessions, without their hugs and bizarre facial expressions and compliments, God only know where I'd be.

Just a friendly little reminder that I love you guys, and just a friendly little reminder to everybody that you need to spend your life with people who care about you, not the people who pretend to. I'm lucky enough to have incredible, talented and selfless friends who honestly mean everything to me--and when you're blessed with friends like mine, you truly are blessed.

So although I'm not exactly all golden sun sparkles these days, with help from those crazy beautiful people I get to call friends, I'll be back to being Little Miss Sunshine shortly.

(Not like the Abigail Breslin movie. Although it is a quality film)

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