
top ten things i say too much and MASD

I have my phrases. I overuse them. Im trying to change.
  • You're so cool.
  • Can I be you?
  • Mmkayy.
  • I'm going to shoot you.
  • SHUT UP.
  • ...but I love you!
  • MEHHRR MEEHHRR MEHHRR (this is me imitating a T-Rex.)
  • I don't want to go home.
  • Can I get a ride?
  • I hate everything.
I promise I'm not as annoying as I sound. Or at least, I like to believe I'm not.

Also, tomorrow I'm making my T-shirt for Make A Statement Day!

MASD is a wicked cool event my school has every year. All students and faculty that want to decorate a free T-shirt with a quote and/or statement and then everybody wears the shirt and we marvel at each other's genius. This is my first year at the high school, MASD is on Friday and I'm looking foward to it...BUT...

I can't decide on a quote. That's where you come in. Today's your lucky day, because you get to help me chose! I'm caught between three...

"Turn your scars into stars" ~robert h. schuller

"It's the friends you can call up at four AM that matter." ~marlene dietrich

"Unless your name is Google, don't act like you know everything

Help me prettypretty please with cherries on top :)


  1. The first one. Unless you want focus on sarcasm, and then the third.

  2. I like the first and second.
    I still think the second one is perfect for you but I like the first one a lot too, I think it means more.

    Also, then we can both have star quotes and match :)
