
project 17

This is the first recreational reading I've done in awhile, thanks to the demands of accelerated English. My brother checked it out of the library and left it lying on the kitchen counter, so I picked it up out of boredom, paroused the description and brought it up to my room for some bedtime reading.

Worst idea of my life.

This book is absolutely t e r r i f y i n g.

Basically, it's six teenagers who all break into an abandoned mental asylum and film their experiences because one of them is trying to win a film contest to get out of having to spend his adult life slaving away at his parent's diner. I didn't particularly like the writing--I've grown tired of adults writing as teenagers, it's annoying and false and usually inaccurate--but it's just plain creepy.

I've never read anything that's scared me so much. It's a horror movie condensed onto paper, complete with messed up dolls and a dead girl's diary and a mysterious and reoccurring reference to--you guessed it--the number 17.

The ending is very anticlimactic and disappointing, and the beginning is slow...basically, the only decent part is when the characters are physically in the asylum.

I kid you not, I found myself holding my breath during the most intense moments. Perfect book to read aloud at a Halloween sleepover, worst book to read at one AM (I learned the hard way).

[photo from the author's website]

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